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Saying Farewell to Hamilton House.

You may or not be aware of this, but after a great deal of thought, I have decided to stop my Saturday Reggae Yoga class at Hamilton House.

This is something that I have been thinking long and hard about. With all the changes going on at Hamilton House over the last couple months, I think it sparked something in me. Sparked perhaps the need for change. For inspiration. For something else.

The whole ordeal with Hamilton House and Coexist broke my heart. This was the place I started my FIRST ever regular Yoga class. A place where I was welcomed in with warm arms to be apart of a wonderful and warm community. I was scared. This was going to be my first real gig ya know. What if no one came? What if I was crap? Coexist made sure all these fears were met, but then dealt with. I had nothing to be worried about.

I have spent the last year teaching some truly wonderful people. I was so fortunate in that my first couple of classes were really busy (not always common with new classes). I had people from all over the world come to my class, friends, family, as well as making new friends. It has honestly been a dream come true to be apart of this wonderful community. To start my teaching journey off surrounded by so many wonderful artists, movers and thinkers. To have the support of Coexist every step of the way.

Hamilton House was a place I wanted to spend time in. Somewhere I felt supported, safe, welcome and above all happy. Who would have thought that an ugly building like HH could create such a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere? That was all because of Coexist.

And now? It is not the same. The place has lost its heart and soul. It's lost what made Hamilton House (and Stokes Croft and Bristol) a place to be. Hamilton House now just stands as a building. Not a community. And it breaks my heart.

If you want to learn more about the changes at Hamilton House, please click this link.

I think because of this, I had some anxieties about starting my class up again when the New Year came around. I wasn't sure how I felt about teaching in Hamilton House, and I was unsure what it would be like.

Combine this, with also a slight creative slump and I had to stop.

I have been doing this class for a year, and it was starting to feel a little more like a burden, than my passion. Don't get me wrong, I still love teaching and plan to do so forever and ever. But, this class just wasn't serving me anymore, and this idea is something that I am really trying to work on: 'is this really serving me? Is this benefitting me?' With this idea being really prominent with me at the moment, and particularly whilst going into the New Year, it was important for me to honour this. To step away.

I know this has come as a disappointment to many people, and for that I am sorry. However, this isn't the end! There so many more possibilities with this class. Perhaps a Monthly Reggae Yoga workshop? Perhaps I'll start the class back up again but in a new location? Or perhaps I'll start up something completely different? Who knows. But the possibilities are endless!

This also isn't the end of Reggae Yoga. I still teach my Wednesday Reggae class 6:00pm class at Yoga on the Square, and I also have my Reggae Yoga LIVE event this Saturday, and if the latter goes well, it could potentially become a regular event.

If you have any ideas, or anything you would like to see from me, please do send me and email at - brainstorm with me!

I am sorry to say goodbye, but as they say; it is not the end...

Big luv always

x Libby elm x

A 21st birthday event at Hamilton House: Reggae Yoga & 80s workout gear.


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