My journey with yoga began over 10 years ago when I was re-diagnosed with Arthritis in my knee and encouraged to practice Yoga as a way of supporting my condition. I fell in love with the practice, and a few years later, in 2016 at the age of 19, I found myself eagerly running off to India to complete my first 200hr training. Since then I have gone on to study and train with some incredible teachers, exploring a range of traditions, philosophies and styles of practice and am falling more in love with the practice of Yoga every day.
I have always been curious about nature and the body and how the two work in harmony, how we can use our practices to dive deeper into this; how we respond to the change of seasons, the cycles of life and the elements as a whole.
My approach to teaching is playful and intuitive, an invitation to connect and drop in to yourself, an exploration of the sweet balance between softness and strength. We will explore creativity through fluid and explorative movements, creative transitions, breathwork and meditation.
It is my calling to share the practice of Yoga, and I truly believe that movement is medicine.
I can't wait to share it with you...
I am grateful to have worked with Shambala Festival, Standon Calling, Milestones Trust and CMS Bristol over the years.
"I felt this overwhelmingly beautiful grounding the moment we began practicing. There was such a strong feeling of femininity and genuine womb energy from the entire class. I felt so feminine, maternal and held after your class."
30hr MenoYoga Teacher Training with Sally Parkes (2024)
200hr Creative Vinyasa Teacher Training with Authentic Movements (2023)
85hr Pregnancy Yoga Training (Pre & Post) with Sally Parkes (2022)
Forge Your Own Path Further Teacher Training with Ash Bond, Jambo Truong & Dan Peppiatt (2020)
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Intensive with Ash Bond (2018)
My Kind of Yoga Teacher Training (2017)
200hr Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with Abhinam Yoga (2016)​
Rejuvenating Facial Massage with Stephanie Shanti
Wild Woman Container with Molly-Anne Chinner, The Sacred Sisterhood
Holding Healing Gatherings with Ella Grace Denton
Sex of Equality with Sally and Mitch Mustang